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Common Styling Mistakes To Avoid

Updated: Aug 6

Hello style lovers! Fashion is all about expressing yourself, however even the most fashionable individuals can get caught up in some common styling pitfalls. But fear not, this is all part of the personal styling journey.


Mastering the art of styling is a joyful endeavour that includes embracing mistakes, because that’s how we explore what clothing, footwear and accessories suit us best, and learn new ways to express ourselves through style. Remember, fashion is a journey of self-discovery, so have fun exploring and refining your personal style.


Let’s dive into it!


Ill-Fitting Clothing

A women cutting dull-organce fabric with scissors.

Fit is KEY! We've all been there – rocking something that's either too snug or too baggy. The fix? Get cozy with your body shape. The first step is to understand your horizontal body shape and what clothing helps to accentuate the parts of you that make you feel most confident.


The second step is all about that number on the tag. Clothes that fit well not only look better but also make you feel better. Pay attention to sizing, alterations, or tailoring if needed. Don't be afraid to go a size up or down based on what flatters your body shape best. Remember, different styles and brands will sit differently even when the number on the tag stays the same.


Don’t simply dress your number, dress for what fits!


If you have items that you love but the fit isn’t hitting the mark, no worries! A good tailor can go a long way to making sure your outfits fit like a dream.


Ignoring Body Proportions

Short torso, long legs? How about long torso, short legs? Vertically balanced?


We’re all unique in our own way, that’s why getting to know your vertical proportions is a game changer for dressing your shape. Vertical proportion refers to the length of your bottom half, compared with your top half.    

A row of denim jeans hanging on a rack.

Knowing your vertical proportions can help you decipher the best garment lengths (both top and bottom), the best rise of jeans, skirts and pants, the style of waistband and whether you should opt for wide or narrow style belts.   


Ignoring Personal Style

Trends are cool, but your style should be like your favourite playlist – uniquely yours. Don't ignore the vibes that make you feel like the awesome person you are.

Image of women on a fashion show runway wearing knee-high boots.

Trends come and go quickly, so if your wardrobe is built around current trends, you may find yourself with a closet full of pieces that become outdated as soon as the next trend arises. This is not a sustainable (or affordable) way to style, and leads to a constant cycle of shopping and discarding.

Remember, not every trend will suit every body type or personal aesthetic. Following trends blindly without considering what truly flatters your figure and makes you feel confident can result in outfit choices that aren’t quite right for you!


Pick and choose trending items and styles and incorporate them in a way that suits your personal style aesthetic.


Neglecting Fabric Quality

Ever felt like your clothes were conspiring against you? Check the labels, my friend. Investing in quality fabrics isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling good too.


Clothing crafted from high-quality fabrics tends to be more durable and long-lasting. Quality materials withstand wear and tear, maintaining their integrity over time. This durability not only saves you money in the long run but also reduces the environmental impact associated with frequent clothing replacements.

A women dressed in white folding crisp white shirts on a blue benchtop.

They also provide superior comfort and a luxurious feel against the skin. Natural fibres like cotton, silk, wool, and linen are known for their breathability, softness, and ability to regulate body temperature. And quality fabrics often have a better drape and structure, contributing to a more polished and refined look. Well-made clothing tends to fit better, enhancing your overall silhouette.


What Have We Learned?

In a nutshell, mastering the fashion game means sidestepping those common styling mistakes and embracing practices that make your style pop.

From wearing clothes that fit like a charm to rocking your unique proportions, owning your personal style, and investing in quality fabrics – it's your style, so enjoy the ride!


Want to know more? Keen to transform your wardrobe? Book a free discovery call with me and kick start your style journey.


Yours in style

Libbie x

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